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  • And-Rede
  • And I Will Be Your Guiding Light
    Underneath the shadows that will follow down and tear up all he knows and he cries out to God this light is always on and guides you home guides you home its p...
  • Edelina's Fan
    And the moon is flooding this town that regulates my senses and bleaches the night sky and the bells are chiming away the same time of days that will regulate ...
  • Never Date A Moviestar
    And I confess my love is stumbling on heels as high as the ego that they gave to you A portrait so well painted now locked in the ink A cross-stitch so well sew...
  • Redemption Will Come With Swift Hands And Loving Arms
    Breath in so i can get you inside of my chest cause it could have been so much better than its not a game this is not a game do you ever wonder what that hole...