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  • A Po-Vene
  • A Portage To The Unknown
    We've sailed across the sea Rowed for miles and miles upstream Passed by Aldeigjuborg Seen Lake Ilmen gleam Ingvar took the lead After Holmgard as agreed What t...
  • Among Ancestors
    A peaceful grove, In treetops above the whisper of the wind It echoes over fields, over endless wilderness You close your eyes and there you are Among your ance...
  • As Torches Rise
    I take a look around, The blood of our men has painted the ground There are corpses lying everywhere Some try to pray, some cry in despair As our enemy cuts it'...
  • Battle Metal
    A name uttered with fear No smile, no tears They'll crush your skull with a blow And pile them in a row The heart of Turisas was forged by four winds In a smit...
  • Cursed Be Iron
    Curses on thee, cruel iron Curses on the steel thou givest Curses on thee, tongue of evil Cursed be thy life forever! Once thou wert of little value Having nei...
  • End Of An Empire
    The time is here Time to be brave, while others fear Fear the stars, the moon and the Holy Ghost It's what lurks in the dark that scares us the most You're dam...
  • Fear The Fear
    Bravery As we've all seen on TV Explosions and swords Hot girls in reward And in the games you play You are the hero of the day But outside that land Your head...
  • Fields Of Gold
    Long is the way we have come Still, nothing changes under the sun The day we lay ahold The wind rocks the fields of gold Zer sum is the name of the game? Gain ...
  • Five Hundred And One
    New friends Last night An offer was made Nordbrikt Would leave Five hundred strong Long is the hour when lying awake Sleeping his hard when so much is at stak...
  • Hunting Pirates
    Full sails ahead, oceans painted red When the soldiers of fortune hunt for pirates No questions asked, we fulfil our task Tones all turn grey after sunset Slay...
  • In The Court Of Jarisleif
    Time to raise a toast to our generous host Jarisleif! Jarisleif! Ruler of the Rus from coast to coast Jarisleif! Jarisleif! May beer flow as long as we can st...
  • Midnight Sunrise
    In the darkest shadows, under the black rocks And ancient moss Where steam arises from the cracks in the crust of ground The spiteful dwell Fast, fast, fast, f...
  • Miklagard Overture
    Long have I drifted without a course A rudderless ship I have sailed The Nile just keeps flowing without a source Maybe all the seekers just failed? To Holmgar...
  • One More
    Gathered round the wooden table Same tavern as the nights before I brace myself against the gable Sunlight pushes it's way through the gap in the door As the g...
  • Rasputin
    There lived a certain man in Russia long ago He was big and strong in his eyes a flaming glow Most people looked at him with terror and with fear But to Moscow ...
  • Stand Up And Fight
    The pouring rain, Sticks my hair to my face, An empty gaze is all I have left, The stars that once lit my way have dimmed, The sky turned grey, The path once s...
  • Take The Day!
    Long is the hour for the waiting man The front line is to be ours, awaiting the command Some sit silently on the floor, bemused and empty-gazed I go through my ...
  • The Bosphorus Freezes Over
    So there it was, the thing we dread the most Time had caught up with us The Thread ended I felt betrayed and disappointed Was that really it? And looking down a...
  • The Dnieper Rapids
    A terrible noise heard from far away Drowning all other sounds No cry of the birds nor voice of men Just an awful groan Silence fell over the men As the river ...
  • The Great Escape
    Word I bring from far up North Songs I sing from you nephew's court Convened Ting on the death of Harthacnut Proclaimed king and the Danes salute End you e...
  • The Land Of Hope And Glory
    Far away, where the sunshine never fades There lies this land, the greatest of tales A strong golden gate now slowly moves aside In walks a man, exhausted by t...
  • The March Of The Varangian Guard
    The sun rose over the wasteland As far as the eye can see Sand fills the vast plains of Serkland It's vultures jeering at me But they can circle until they dro...
  • The Messenger
    I saddle my horse as fast as I can "The message is urgent, find the man!" The camp soon vanishes out of my sight As I rush my black steed into the night I am t...
  • To Holmgard And Beyond
    Far beyond the sea and distant lands Came men with thirty ships Had wanted to reach the Neva by night But the weather was not on their side And as the wind gre...
  • Venetoi! - Prasinoi!
    Ladies and gentlemen! The main event of tonight: On chariots of fire! The Greens! The Blues! Open the gates! Dust fills the air, stallions cry under the whip C...