The Giant Show

Breathe this pressure, the stage is slippery
And this whole theatre expects fireworks

We tried to fake this on our own

Actors! Lights! And ACTION!
Behind the curtains,
Howling, you felt the greatest!
They clapped with madness with their claws
Requesting that scene in the end
Where front row tuxedos carry specks of blood
I can't believe it's happening:
It's time to say goodbye
And forget any trail from your mistakes

What a large journey to explain!
I'm still addicted to our crime
Do you think that those were the roles
We first requested?

I'm running again along
Beckettian sceneries
But ostracism of the night has made me stronger
It's time to play
An offstage tragedy
Miserable characters challenging themselves
In order to increase their Egos
I can't believe it's happening:
It's time to say goodbye
The spotlights embellish the circumstance

You built the prison with sea sights
Where I've become a fearless creature engulfing our photographs,
An early gargantuan feast where every bite feeds the guilt

I'm your sun, you're my moon
The ocean scatters tides that whistle, that whisper to us too low

Mayday! Shall I run away?
Glory seemed so close
