1 X 1

So here we go
One by one
Marching on
It has begun

Capture, take over, now's our chance
Hold strong our front, then we'll advance
Their force, too strong, we'll surely fail
No hope for now, they will prevail
But we'll march on
We'll march on
But we'll march on
March on

In the face
Of those ahead
We wont give up
Their pride we'll shread

Capture, take over, now's our chance
Hold strong our front, then we'll advance
Their force, too strong, we'll surely fail
No hope for now, they will prevail
But we'll march on
We'll march on
But we'll march on
March on

Swords up on my count Three Two One
Swords up till it settles and we've won

March on

March on

Capture, take over, now's our chance
Hold strong our front, then we'll advance
Their force, too strong, we'll surely fail
No hope for now, they will prevail
But we'll march on
We'll march on
But we'll march on
March on
