

Insecure I wait
For someone to annihilate;
I know it's around the corner
Good has all but left
And I anticipate the theft;
All I want to remain is her
Sight of the place fades
And I'm left with the queen of spades;
Fucked again by the draw
Sleep is a thing of the past
The darkness seems so vast;
Security must be against the law
I remember
Someone once said
I repeat it
And play it over in my head
"I know the world is not a good place
But don't let it get you down
One day you will see
The common good that runs through you and me
Then you will understand
And have the world at your hand
Just wait and see,
Just wait for the security"
Shaken but not stirred
My soul has not heard;
It still awaits some sort of sign
A longing to feel safe
I must be in the wrong place;
I am where it's anything but benign
Alone with my thoughts
I know my head rots;
I am my own best friend
I will always wait
And morbidly anticipate;
Security is nowhere to be seen
Again telling myself
What I once heard
"I know the world is not a good place
But don't let it get you down
One day you will see
The common good that runs through you and me
Then you will understand
And have the world at your hand
Just wait and see,
Just wait for the security"
Don't get down
I can't stand to be down
I won't let myself get down
I refuse to be down
It'll come
He said it would come
Security will come
Whoever he was
He said it would come
"I know the world is not a goo
