
Hey kid listen, I'm trying to tell you about the human condition
You are your own black hole

Hey kid listen, I'm giving depth to your flat world vision
You are your own black hole

Disown what you can't control
You are your own black hole

Silence, can you hear it?
It's the sound of a man without spirit
And the walls keep crumbling down around a self made victim
I got this rope to pull you up but I can't save you if you wont grab a hold
I can't save you if you wont save yourself

I tried to heal your heart
I tried to sail your shipwreck in the dark

This is the fine art of swinging and missing
This is the fine art of sinking and swimming

You see, it takes time to find a balance in such things

You'll learn the fine art of crossing burnt bridges

Old friend, fight physics
Forget the cynicism in my lyrics
You and I will laugh one day at our foolish mistakes
With my bare hands, I will dig you out
But I can't save you if you wont grab a hold
I can't love you if you wont love yourself

Hey kid, listen Just don't suck me in
