Tiger Hunt

Ernie: Hey everybody! I'm going on a tiger hunt! I've got my trusty rusty telescope right here (squeaking noises in background) You wanna come along? Well, let's go then (sound of door opening)
A tiger hunt can be fun, you just do what I do Now first we're gonna walk down this road Of course, you're not really on a road but you can pretend Just stand up and walk around the room or walk in place without really going anywhere Come on now, everybody walk Are you walking with me? Good!
Okay, now we've got to climb this hill Oh hee this is hard Are you climbing with me? Good There now here we are at the top of the hill And now we can run down! Are you running with me? Okay!
Watch out there's a fence at the bottom of the hill, we'll have to jump it Alley-oop! We made it! Oh oh, we're here we're walking through the tiger jungle Oh boy Oh there are a lot of mosquitoes here! Shoo mosquitoes! Shoo those mosquitoes away! Oh there's some on my arm Slap those mosquitoes if they land on you There, that's better
Hey look, we've come to a big thicket of thorns We're gonna have to crawl on our tummies to get through these thorns You crawling with me? Good! Oops, I'm caught on a thorn (ripping sound) ooh there Now we can get up because we're at the other side of the thicket and what is this?
We've come to the great jungle river! We're gonna have to swim for it Ready to dive into the water? Ready, get set, jump! (splashing sounds) Here we go, swimming across the river! Oh my trusty rusty telescope is going to get even rustier There, there, we made it Okay, walk up on to the river bank Here, oh look over there It's a bunch of elephants We'd better tiptoe past them Are you tiptoeing with me? Good! There, okay now we're past the elephants We should be near the tiger's house Let's climb that tree so we can look around You climbing with me? Okay Here we go All right, now here we are high in the tree Let's look through my trusty rusty telescope and try to find that tiger Look to the right Look to the left Look down hmmm I don't see a tiger
Mr Tiger: Good afternoon!
Ernie: Oops There's a big furry striped animal in this tree with us
Mr Tiger: Roar!
Ernie: It's a tiger! RUN! Climb down the tree as fast as you can He's following us - Run! Tiptoe past the elephants Run down the river bank Swim the jungle river Climb up and cross through the thicket of thorns Then slap the mosquitoes away And run through the jungle Now jump over the fence Now run up the hill Now run down the hill Now open the door and (sound of door closing) ooh ahh we made it we're home
Bert: Hey, hi Ernie Where you been?
Ernie: Oh Bert, don't ask!
(knocking on door)
Bert: Oh, I'll get it Ernie
(sound of door opening)
Mr Tiger: Roar!
Bert: Hi, Mr Tiger What do you want?
Mr Tiger: Ernie forgot his trusty rusty telescope in my jungle!
(door closes)
Ernie: Oh, oh Bert!
