Times We Had

All the things we've done,
People that we know,
Places we've been
No matter what,
We stick together

And I've been hangin' round,
With the kind of people,
You warned me about,
And I turned out just like them
They're my friends,
And no matter what,
Through thick or thin

We stick together
The times we had

We like to xxxx around,
And sometimes I know we go too far,
That's just who we are
You find out, who you're real friends are
They're the ones who stick around,
When everything goes wrong

And I've been hangin' round,
With the kind of people,
You warned me about,
And I turned out just like them

The times we had
Some of it went well,
And some of it was hell
The times we had
Us against the world
And we stick together

To all of my friends who are gone,
I never will forget you
I feel lucky that I met you
We fought sometimes
And I hope I live up to,
The dreams we had,
When we were kids

'Cause sometimes it was hell,
And other times we felt like kings
And no matter what,
When things went wrong,
We stuck together

And I've been hangin' round,
With the kind of people, you warned me about,
And I turned out just like them


The times we had

All of my friends
I'm glad I turned out to be just like them
