
* Rosie had been born with sight, but Lost it in an accident
No one bore the blame, she had been Young, and knew no better
Rosie grew accustomed to a World that had no day and night
at Times she'ld up and wander off, and Everybody let her
oh Everybody let her Oh, Oh the misery of missing Rosie
* her Farm was north of little fort, with Fields down to the water's edge
she Must have walked those trails 'bout a Thousand times or more
All that spring it never froze, the Thaw was quick, and the river rose,
and the Path that rosie trod it was no Longer on the shore
it was no Longer on the shore oh oh Oh the misery of missing Rosie
* with that Thomson river thundering by, it Caught poor rosie by surprise,
it Picked her up and it carried her aWay
that Wild ride must have amazed her, Down past litton , where the fraser
Picked her up and shot her through hell's Gate
* Here's where fact became a legend, Tourists on the canyon edge
looked Down and saw a cow, climbing Out of all that foam
our Rosie hadn't been afraid, she Hadn't seen the trip she'd made,
she Stood there blind and cold and kinda Wishing she was home
kinda Wishing she was home, oh oh Oh the misery of missing Rosie,
Oh the misery of missing Rosie
* they Got a crane on a giant truck, and With a blend of skill and luck,
they Lowered a sling and they hauled her up, and Put her in a trailer
acCording to recent reports, she's Living north of little fort,
her Belly's full, and the grass is short, and she's No longer a sailor, she is
No longer a sailor, and now there's No more misery for missing Rosie
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