You Always Said

Some things are just the truth,
Like how the sky is blue,
And wheels will always roll
A mile won't pass without me missing you and it breaks,
It breaks through my skin
The click's still ticking,
Everyone that's still breathing has more important things to do
Call off the morning, stop the light,
I can't forget hard as i try
Start in on long nights where we gag on thing that we never got to say
Lost sight of brighter times,
Two of the brightest eyes closed forever yesterday
I'll reach for the stars and pull them down,
Tie them up inside your arms and learn to move on somehow
You made me feel like in this life there's not
A minute worth wasting
Now I don't know, I don't know how to walk away
But you have my word,
I'll give that much more
I won't take a similar smile for granted,
I'll learn to take falling on my face as dancing
It's time, close the coffin tight
I'm going to miss you I'm going to miss you
