Face To Face

In a desperate attempt of drunken late nights
I try to cling on to the youthfulness of this life
3 months and counting, and I'm still doubting
If I'm really ready to take on this responsibility
Well, I guess that we will just have to wait and see
But one thing is for sure, I can't take any more of this

'Cause I have no more time to waste
And I will soon stand face to face
With what might be the biggest challenge of my life
Never knew that I could be so scared and happy at the same time

This confusion is total and sometimes I just want to run and hide
But if a minute of doubt adds up to hours, days months and years,
I would lose a lifetime to my fears
Don't want to lose a lifetime to my fears
I refuse to lose a lifetime to fears

'Cause I have no more time to waste
And I will soon stand face to face
With what might be the biggest challenge of my life
Never knew that I could be so scared happy at the same time
Laugh and cry at the same time
