Through the Moonlight

Epigraph: Parva Domnus, Magna Quies
Solo: Collapse Of Entity

Wash me, a saving Sky
Set me free from their misfortunes
Lave me, a gentle Ether
The wizened brain of mine needs moisture
Peer into my eyes,
I everyone and everything forgave
My Lord Jesus Christ,
Give me eternal rest, it's all I need

Moon rays are coming down
The Empyrean entices with Eternity
Languid face in palms,
Aweary eyes want tranquility
My eaves covered with the rime
I feel Her cold breath on my lips
I know that like everyone,
I'll turn to dust
Keep quite

I can't forget

Please, don't molest me,
I can't stay here
I'm warrior!
I have to cancel abject fear!
You say: ''I love you! ''
I dote on you too,
But now I break off
My fatal thread I've got it through
I long to still, I crave for calm
He, who started me,
Has to know how to cease my rove
And through the Moonlight
I will find escape
Beams from above
Absorb me, melt down hollow brain

Take me up
I've cut all out
I tire of being scum
Come for me,
Set me free,
Create my own To-Be

Jesus wept

My deceasing's
Just a link in chain of human deaths
I haven't got the dread
There is nothing to be afraid of
Every time as I undergo
Transition between lives
I gain experience,
I gain Universal Sight

Sense of our life -
Be taught by Great Reason,
Listen to the Heart (of the way)
And follow the Guide
The daze of a new babe
Is on the increase
And it is the sole
Worthy lifestate

Dither Dither
