8 am Departure

come on sleepyhead, it's time to drive to nowhere i love it when you smile and aren't afraid to ask questions don't you tell me to stop my breathing malignant silence that dulls the senses tries my tongue respiration without permission pale yellow light on the ceiling, her faint cries on the end of the line my eyes expel alcohol, come on sleepyhead it's time to drive to nowhere, we'll find a playground and swing on the swings put our hands out the windows, wave them up and down, let's have a picnic in a wide open field
then we can run across & spread our arms like we are flying let's go camping and watch the sun come up we'll drive around with the windows rolled down let's dress up and go out to eat at a fancy restaurant let's find the most comfortable couch, we'll climb trees because they won't bleed no matter how hard you climb them, let's make this the last time when i told you everything was fine i meant it i guess it's just strange when everything comes true tear down my posters strip down my bed i'm never coming back i know what i said to you, in the pouring rain, without pouring lies, this time could last forever, this could be the last time
