Ernie Writes A Story

Ernie is watching a movie on TV as Bert walks in
Bert: Ernie, what are you watching?
Ernie: Oh, it's a great old movie Bert
B: What is it?
E: It's called it's just uh "Cowboys in Outerspace" Bert
B: Ernie? Ernie? (E: Look at that!) Uh, can't you do something else besides watch TV? I mean, you've been watching TV all day long
E: Well gee, like what Bert? I mean, it's raining outside Bert
B: Well, I know it's raining, but Ernie there are other things to do inside besides watching TV
E: Oh yeah? Well, like what Bert? AH!
B: What what?
E: Look at that! Those are just actors Bert
B: I know, I'm trying to think what else you can do
E: Ooh! Did you see that one Bert?
B: How 'bout reading? How bout reading? You can read, we have a lot of books here
E: Reading? Well, I don't know Bert, I really don't feel like reading right now, Bert
B: Oh Wellum
E: AH!
B: How 'bout writing a story? Hey, that's good Ernie, writing a story
E: Writing a story?
B: Wouldn't that be fun, you could write your very own story
E: Writing a story That's a pretty good idea Bert
B: Yeah (Bert laughs)
E: Hey Bert, would you help me if I were to write a story, would you help me?
B: Well, I suppose I could give you ideas Yeah, I'll help you, sure
E: OK, Great
B: Great
E: Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm
B (Faces camera) Terrific Wow, no TV set on all day long Oh great
E: Hey Bert?
B: Huh?
E: C'mere Bert
B: Yeah, well what do you want?
(Ernie and Bert are off camera)
B: Ernie! What are you doing?
E: Uh, we're writing a story Bert
B: This is not writing a story!
(Ernie and Bert come in, Bert has a waste paper basket on his head)
E: This is the first stage, planning to write a story You see, you can't just sit down and write a story, you have to plan to write it, and that's what I'm doing Now, we've got paper, I'll take that paper Bert Let's see we have paper to write on And I have pencils right here to write with Bert
B: *sigh*
E: And then I have my handy dandy pencil sharpener And I have my eraser here Bert for any mistakes I might make, see I can erase them
B: Uh-huh
E: And I have a waste paper basket to put in a waste paper basket Bert, have you seen my waste paper basket?
B: Ask me that again and look into my eyes
E: Have you seen Have you seen Oh! This is my waste paper basket
B: Of course it's your waste basket!! You put it on my head!
E: Oh, thank you Bert
B: Yeah, thank you
E: That's my waste paper basket for throwing stuff in when I make a mistake, you see?
B: Ok, now Ernie, Ernie You have planned your whole adventure in writing a story
E: That's true
B: All planned to the last detail all planned
E: Right
B: OK, now go to it
E: OK, I'll see you around
B: Ho, ho wait, well, where are you going?
E: I'm going to go outside and play in the puddles
B: But why?
E: Well, you see Bert, I can't think of anything to write right now, Bert But, when I DO think of something, I have it all planned And thanks to you Bert, I couldn't have done it without you Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm
(Bert rests his head on the basket and shakes it in disappointment)
