Lost In Decadence


If I have died and don't know it, Of whom do I pass the time,
Why do leaves commit suicide, when they feel yellow?
I've got no place to go, And no one to meet,
So I stroll the avenues, Get lost on every street,
Forget every single worry, Just a time to clear my mind,
Try my best to disappear, May not make it back tonight,
Left my cell phone and my keys on the kitchen counter,
Fourteen blocks from my apartment, still heading south
Nothing but a couple dollars and a 67' nickel,
And a head full of blame, I just can't escape,
Cause I made a mistake, And I know that now,
Leave the past in the past, But I don't know how,
Keep on searching for the courage, But I'm at a loss of words,
It seems with every song I write, The fights get worse,
I'm huffing and puffin, Coughing up while window shopping,
On the sidewalk trees, lanterns lit with lights,
Store fronts display the seasons and the colors,
Eyes blinded, With the nights lights,
I wanna look my brother in the eyes, And tell him I love him,
Just know everything is gonna be all right,
I can't sleep at night when your scared, I need you to smile,
Honestly, I really need you to smile,
Cause you and Bear are all I ever had,
I almost lost you both, Yeah I almost lost you both,
The burdens of this cold night are taking effect, And I can feel them,
But any way to escape the troubles that I deal with,
Wipe my eyes and get on, I pray for those that I miss,
Richard, Hazel, Grandpa, and James, Great Grandma,
So many names remain, I'm done with this blame,
Staying Positive, Smiling for just one time,
But say a little prayer,
For those with no sunshine [3x]


I hold my head up, Still I aint cried yet,
Wishing I would have said goodbye, Feeling my words are hopeless,
I'm trying to pray again, Finding comfort in any type of connection,
I guess it's a blessing, Enough to smile when I reminisce,
Drop my head as I sit on this bench,
Day light slips past as I try to get a grip,
I'm writing and driving, Trying to get my mind on something else,
But it's hell on my mother,
And I'm feeling guilty, Cause there's nothing I can do to help,
I'm holding the rosary that they passed out when they buried you,
It's starting to wither and fade, In sync with the pain,
I drop my head and start to accept that this is really through,
The first tear falls and it's burning so bad, That the second one slips right past,
Before I even notice it, An hour passes and I'm wiping my face,
I jump in my car, And drive the farthest I can from this place,
The next day I stare at your picture frame, And wait,
For the heaviness to drift,
I listen real silent to that home made movie memory in my head,
It's really all I got left,
Play backs of frozen laughs and photographs,
I'm whispering my last words under my breath,
Hoping some how they'll make there way to you,
I just wanna say I love you,
I'm sorry I didn't know you better,
Rest in peace,
Say hello to the rest of the family we got holding spots in that cemetery,
As I say a little prayer
For those with no sunshine [3x]
