One Day

One day,
That lasts forever,
Is the one day,
When you say "I do"

You're walking down the aisle,
With smile on your face,
Tears fill your eyes when you look at your dad,
And you think that today,
You're not his baby girl anymore,
He doesn't tuck you in at night,
You don't call him when your at your best friends house,
And your past your curfue,
He doesn't make sure that you still have your teddy bear,
And he certainly doesn't check your closet for monsters,
Because you're not his baby girl anymore,
You're his grown up daughter

The next time that you see him,
Is in the grochery store,
But you can't talk right then
He calls later on that night,
But you can't make it to the phone right then
You call him back tomorrow,
To apologize that you didn't answer,
Then you tell him big news,
He's gonna be a grandpa on Janruary 02

The day comes,
And your driving to the hospital,
When you get there,
And you see your dad,
He has a smile from ear to ear
You hug him and tell him that you want him in the delivery room
The baby's born,
And he hear's the word here is your new baby daughter
He smiles and kisses his daugher
And she says,
Well daddy it looks like you got a granddaughter,
Someone you can tuck in at night,
That can call you when they're at their friends house,
And its past their curfue,
You can make sure that she still has her teddy bear,
And you can certainly check her closet for monsters,
Because she's your new baby girl,
And i'm just your grown up daughter
