In An Airport's Toilet

In this case I'd say it's nothing really tragic
If I don't go to dinner, just go you
Splitting is nothing really tragic, I'd say
Oh ohdo you hear me oh oh do you hear me
When you come home I'll not be there to annoy you
When I'll catch the train you're not going to deafen me on the phone

Oh ohit's no use doing as if nothing had happened
Oh oh talking to a wall'd be more exciting
I had never died in an airport's toilet
Recalling him while he kissed youwell ok
Oh ohdon't cry I don't want to treat you ill
Oh ohI'm talking to you don't give me such a look of dislike
How funny I've died in an airport's toilet
Where? At the airport
Where? At the airport

You tell me…
"In this case I'd say so: you know what you can do with your excuses "
but come on come on love don't speak like that… ehm…
excuse me I didn't mean to, so let's stay friends
When I'll go walking with my dog you can join me
no come on stop screaming you're making everything much harder

Oh ohit's no use doing as if nothing had happened
Oh ohtalking to a wall'd be more exciting
I had never died in an airport's toilet
Recalling him while he kissed youwell ok
Oh ohdon't cry I don't want to treat you ill
Oh ohI'm talking to you don't give me such a look of dislike
How funny I've died in an airport's toilet
Where? At the airport
Where? At the airport

What you still haven't grasped
I'm afraid you'll never realize
So, love, I'd assign this guilt
Some to me, some to you

Look how the sky gets his colour back
Now that we're no longer together
Countdown of a love
Three two one party!

Oh ohit's no use doing as if nothing had happened
Oh ohtalking to a wall'd be more exciting
I had never died in an airport's toilet
Recalling him while he kissed youwell ok
Oh ohdon't cry I don't want to treat you ill
Oh ohI'm talking to you don't give me such a look of dislike
How funny I've died in an airport's toilet
Where? At the airport
Where? At the airport
