
Emoni oven etehen
veittoni verjlle
kasvoi tammi terhehinen
pitk pihlaja yleni

Haroitteli haarojansa
levitteli lehtin,
haaroitteli haarojansa,
levitteli lehtin

Kenp tammen tuntijaksi,
puun pitkn pitjksi
Kenp tammen tuntijaksi,
puun pitkn pitjksi

"Ei olt huolta ollenkana,
ajatusta ainutta
Seist seinn vieruessa,
tuulta kuulla kujasessa"

Tuulis tuuli vierellinen,
lasettaisi latvahan
Sanan veisi, toisen toisi,
oksallensa omenan

Toisi linnun lentvisen,
onnen tielle oikialle
Portin plle liekkumahan,
toet viestit vieremn

Ei olt huolta

Pivn poika valkiane
otti tuon tehksens
Tammen tuli tuntijaksi,
puun pitkn pitjksi

Laati linnut laulamahan,
ket kultaa kukkumaan
Pivn poika valkiane,
lemmen loihti latvahan

Ei olt' huolta
By my mother's door,
Beside her gate
There grew an oak with acorns
High above the rowan

It stretched its shoulders wide,
Spreading its leaves around,
It stretched its shoulders wide,
Spreading its leaves around,

Who knows what the oak is thinking,
Standing there so tall
Who knows what the oak is thinking,
Standing there so tall

"Not a care have I in the world,
Not a thought in my head
Just standing here against the wall,
Listening to the breezes"

The wind whistled through the branches,
Setting the tip in turmoil,
Words bringing and bearing away,
An apple on its branches

Brought a little bird flying,
On the road to happiness,
Sitting on the gate chirping,
Singing its message far and wide

"Not a care "

Came the dawn,
