• Abou-Wind
  • About Me
    This is your one and only chance to really get to know me well And automatically take me more seriously I know I tried to deny what they're saying about me And...
  • Bed To The Bar
    Mom and dad have won the match They've put the door on the catch Where should I go? Is there a place where I don't have to leave? I've been waiting till now Ha...
  • Bully Proof
    He's in his room, you can hear a pin drop He's still tired from running from his school to his home quetly he cries, doesn't want his to know that he's affraid ...
  • I'm Not Me
    All alone, there's no one I can play my song to A crowded room, isn't there somewhere, someone Who listens to the antonyms of my song Feel like someone else som...
  • Is She Really Going Out With Him?
    Pretty women out walking with gorillas down my street From my window I'm staring while my coffee grows cold Look over there, where? There, there's a lady that I...
  • Lapd
    I'm posing on the sidewalk Here's where I'm working at night They're also working at night They know I've known it all along They want me of the street They're ...
  • Lipsdick Fantasies
    She?s most likely to be the most beautiful woman in high school Anyone can see that she is ready to point out the victim Could it be me chosen to be an example?...
  • Seven Years
    We're looking at each other with our discontented eyes We're both waiting for that moment to arrive, when things wont't be so fucking boring and we're not fight...
  • Snowboard
    You are one of them, you want to go downhill as fast as you can Going towards a hill that's gonna take you in the air and touch the sky Feeling great Adrenaline...
  • Whatever
    Come outdoors, you'll soon be trashed and swept away The thought in your heart It makes you so afraid you'll never come outside again This is a song that I wro...
  • Wind In Our Sales
    One day we will have what we need To build an extremely big neon sign For people who don?t know who we are Five guys in a band We have the wind in our sales Wh...