• Gate-Unde
  • Gate Through The Past
    In a waste land once beauty and spell A demon, sovereign from hell He's coming to be a new fearful king In the name of the sins he will be His dark power reigns...
  • Lord Of Nightmares
    There's a dream that troubles my mind tonight A vision of what will be happening? I'm tryng to hold the fear in me That this dream 'comes reality! I pray the G...
  • Love Against The Power Of Evil
    Proud on the horse blindig in his shining suite of armour The night came back victorius from the dangerous battle An adverse fate expected him while he was com...
  • Quest Of Heroes
    Just here stand all the valorous tonight Sitting all around a magic table round Brave men comes to Arthur's court Hoping to be chosen as members court They're ...
  • Quest Of Heroes (Part 2)
    Passions and villainous at court The fellowship of the round table declined And in the long run was destroyed Passion now inside Camelot has destroyed the boun...
  • Sir Percival
    In a dark forest lives who has no awe A wild and brave man rides sad and alone He'll fly up one day to a new life He does not when his value will rides around t...
  • The Promise
    He was called salvation Of his land and his inhabitants But the cruel king Haaron Abducted his wife to spur him He'll have to confront a bloody fight On his br...
  • The Revival Of The Black Demon
    The warmth of an eternal sleep, of an intrepid horseman, Makes mystical and magic the legend which tells his exploit Once when peace and love reigned together, ...
  • Under The Light Of The Moon
    Strange lights over the hills tonight So many knights into the campfire Smell of acrid smoke on the air Men are just out of scare for their fate All around scr...