• Enne-Zero
  • Ennea
    Barren Shores of river vile Wretched dead haunt shadows, shattered wild In carmine sky the carrion fly Dormant blood, quick to their cry And now the damned, fig...
  • Erebus
    And West once more Beyond swirling of spitting seas Past immense gates of bloody iron Trapped, the animal bites through limbs in steel teeth The human succumbs,...
  • Geilt
    Howling of flickering hosts Clouds of shades torment me Swirling brings the shadows on my unconscious mind Snarl of snapping reason Shock sends conscience spinn...
  • Mictlan
    Feathered serpent embrace arrest staggered breath Weeping wound on heaving chest Mask of four sun filth hide tracks of torture Sear the weeping flesh Smear trai...
  • Nihil
    First came the word And that word was nothing Soundless syllables in boundless thought Is this it ? Or all ? Or everything A reflection between parallel mirrors...
  • Sangre
    Shivering silhouette Who painted this bloody sunset ? A world revolving in machined grooves Sufferings in fated pattern with arms outflung Caressed by steel pin...
  • Sekem
    Burnt out necropolis Sinking fire sear dead Second traitor soul powerless Resist those who would silence Remove the wrappings Which fetter my mouth In empty ach...
  • Zero
    So tell me: What in monotony makes you dance ? Your robotic grinding A cracked mirror And your painted smeared smiles You are dying The circles you trudge are s...