• Alar-Time
  • Alarm
    We are flying High above the ground Wait less hopeful- proud- Morning Ive lost All of my life I sing in silence In your arms Crawling around the crowded stair...
  • Down
    Bound and Blind I cant move Despite the perfect glare shines off the ceiling Funny how it seems so real You close your eyes at night and learn to fly Please God...
  • Grave
    Isnt she lovely? Isnt she swell? Isnt she a lot like me? But I dont want to take it to my grave Then again I will help you anyways-I cant feel In this house we...
  • Please
    Shes forever known Skies will always fall Shes been handed down Its not her fault I wont ever change I wont ever change Please Shes so small-l I can hardly s...
  • Silly
    Good little girls dont wonder off Always on their own Seek their pearls in the crowd Never will they know Im so shy designed by hope Anyone at all Makes me weep...
  • Time
    Stalled on the road Its sad and its always the same Alone in the car Cant stand the noise that he makes Pulls in the mirror She grabs whatever it takes Straight...