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  • Off-Yarr
  • Off Your Meds
    I believed what you said (When you were off your meds (We both lived in our heads (Nothing was gray (It was all black and white( Either wrong or it's right( H, ...
  • Russian Doll
    Russian doll, Russian doll, Russian doll( You don't care, you don't care, you don't care( You're just full of yourself after all( Well, and air, but for air ((...
  • Smoke
    And I dreamt of you in bed (Saw the smoke swirl 'round your head( Your back was to me( I could smell, I could smell your cigarette ((And the smoke hanging mid-...
  • Tiny Mussels
    There's a thousand tiny mussels( Clinging to your body( You steely, hollow vessel (Floating through the party( And people are parting like the sea( When they se...
  • Yarrow
    How much yarrow will I need to staunch the blood?( Pull your arrow from the bleeding hole( Stop, won't you stop the love?( And turn me inside out( I'll hide out...