Mom's Home

Once upon a time, in the deep forest of scwartzhworth,
seven little kids was home alone, and then, the wolf came knocking on the door

Well I'm the wolf, let me inn
Well I'm the wolf, let me inn
Let the party begin

Well I'm the wolf, let me inn let the party begin
I'm the wolf, let me inn let me inn

Well I'm the wolf, let me inn let the party begin
I'm the wolf, let me inn let me inn

Well I'm the wolf, let me inn let the party begin
I'm the wolf, let me inn let me inn

Well I'm the wolf, let me inn let the party begin
I'm the wolf, let me inn let me inn

Mom is home, but you can open the door,
don't be afraid now, not anymore

Let me inn

Mom is home, but you can open the door,
don't be afraid now, not anymore

Well I'm the wolf, let me inn let the party begin
I'm the wolf, let me inn let me inn

Well I'm the wolf, let me inn let the party begin
I'm the wolf, let me inn let me inn

Well I'm the wolf, let me inn let the party begin
I'm the wolf, let me inn let me inn

Well I'm the wolf, let me inn let the party begin
I'm the wolf, let me inn let me inn

Mom is home, but you can open the door,
don't be afraid now, not anymore

Let me inn

Mom is home, but you can open the door,
don't be afraid now, not anymore

Let me inn Let me inn
