Intra-Pennsylvania Rivalry


Well, thank you very much everybody What a thrill it is to be back in
Pittsburghwhat? oh sorry, I mean uh Phila-Philadelphia Well, we
figured for the live album, it'd be coolerPittsburgh'd be a cooler city to be in


Yes, so *laugh*


So, thanks Pittsburgh
Keep it up, man Ahit's great walking around in the Steel City


I love the way the rivers merge in the town It's so nice So many levels

Aw - just kidding We hate Pittsburgh This is exactly what we hoped to created
which is an Intra-Pennsylvania rivalry - which probably already exists, I know
but you know, we just wanna fan the flames as Canadians who really have nothing
to do with this You know? Philadelphia should takeI mean, why haven't you,
you know, marched on Pittsburgh And taken it with You know? I figure, you know
I mean I'm not talking about nuclear weapons, chemical weapons, I'm not talking
about any of that I'm talking an agrairian revolt Pitchfolks, a spade Go after
those Pittsburgh people What's your problem?
