Sehventain Year-es

Thank you for calling the Waffle House can I help you?
Hello!, yes, yaisWho is this?
This is Sue
Alright, hello Sue
I'm ready to place my order for food to take off home
Firsttwo hotan sandwaches are preety goodand uh
You want what?
Two hotan sandwaches and a salad bowland doodoo, doo Mr Cokes
I can't understand you
Two cokes and
Doono Mr CokeTwo Mr Cokes Do you like those?
Do you have those to sell?
Have what?
Mr CooooookkkkeeeeMr Coke
Ya know like da drink with the drink
Two cokes?
Two Mr Cokes
What else?
Two sandwiches
What kind of samwich
What kind do you haSamwich?
Is there an m in the american word of sandwich?
Bacon egg cheese, Ham egg cheese, BLT
Wooahhhgood Can you do that again is that a song?
Do it again one more time please
Quarter cheese, patty mayo, BLT, grilled ham and cheese, Grilled cheese
(sings along)
Good You have been practicing your p's and q'shave you not
What would you like?
I want the first one that you made on the list
Quarter cheese?
WhaNo could I get half of one?
Grilled ham and cheese?
Nojust a half ofa half of a cheese
Grilled ham and cheese?
No!!!! Who say hhham? No one here is saying hham!
Just tell me whatcha want I got ta go
Alright, I want the quarthaif,
One half, one an a half of a quater cheese
We don't have one and a halfWe don't have half
Deluxe, oh Deluxe definatly
You don't have half? ALright, two and a half then
We don't have halfs you want two?
*In southern drawl* Hafff?
What What does thaOh!
You were saying what I was saying in a different way
You want two grilled ham and cheese?
NonoI want two cheese deluxe
Two grilled cheese deluxe?
With a side of mayonaise Mackshmayenose
Two grilled cheese with
No! What dey fudge! Not grilled cheese, two quater cheeses
Two quater cheese?
DELUXE! Cmon misses you don't you are not
Speak english and I can understand you
How long have you been working at this place?
Ive been here 17 years, how long uve been in America?
Ooohhhh now youve done it
Now youve fudged the bucket and told me too many words too know
Do you want anything?
Yes I do Im ready to order now
Two quarter cheese?
Two big deluxes
OK What else?
A Mcshake
We don't have milkshakes
AhNaGod damnitYou say youve been working here soooo long,
Like a hot shot, but you don't even know what you have
Alright list *she hangs up*
