Sångtext Leonard Cohen: Night Magic - Ive Counted What I Have

Night Magic - Ive Counted What I Have

(Michael) I've counted what I have; it's not enough
And what I need I do not dare to say
I've heard the soul is diamond in the rough
That pain must polish it to a bright display;
But mine is diamond dust that's blown away
(Angels) I've counted what I have; it's not enough
And what I need I do not dare to say
I've heard the soul is diamond in the rough
That pain must polish it to a bright display;
But mine is diamond dust that's blown away

(Michael) And covered up the world with glittering --

Come back my soul, I cry, it won't obey,
And I'm the empty shape of everything
Come back my soul, come back to me I sing

I'm sick with greed, with unrequited greed
And everyman becomes my enemy
I need his woman, his career I need
For what he has, he's taken it from me
And what is mine he uses clumsily
That pagan there pretending he can dance,
This Christian peddling his humility,
These carbons of Hitlerian romance,
These lovers photographed without their pants

(Frank, Louis
