
This is complicated
Love is over rated
This aint what I need to fall into
I wish that you could see me
Wish that you could meet me
Wish you even new my name
Cause it aint the same

To be in love with a guy
Even though your super shy
Even when he don't seem to see you
Even though he got a girl
Who he thinks can rock his world

On the outside she's the sun
Every guy thinks she's the one
Next to her I feel so invisible
My life seems so divisible
Without him I am cut in half
When I think about him I start to laugh
It's so funny
That it just seems
When were together it's just you and me

I guess this is what is what it's like
To be in love
To have just one thing that I'm dreaming of
He's the only guy I need
He will be the one who sets me free

I know it's weird
But I just wanna be
Anybody else who is not me
Cause it seems if I were'nt me
You might maybe finally see
That I'm ment for you...
And your ment...
For me...
