Ultra Teen

Ultra teen
You belong on the cover on the cover of a magazine repeat
Ultra sheen
Superstar ultra sheen picture perfect scream

Ultra teen on the scene a pretty shiny dream smile gleaming capture frozen in a magazine ultra sheen your the one just like all the rest screaming ultra teen

No more war no more no more peace now is the time to use the new hair grease, the new hair grease, the new hair grease
Shampoo bubbles rinse and shine perfect product on your mind conditioned slick set on the go you got the look I want to know
Ultra sheen ultra sheen
Everybody wants to be a star go round and round like the man on mars
Ultra sheen ultra sheen
Your the one just like all the rest screaming screaming screaming
No more war no more peace now is the time to use the new hair grease, the new hair grease, the new hair grease
You belong on the cover on the cover of a magazine
Utlra sheen ultra sheen
