
Time races fast, you're riding so high
You feel like you never come down
But someday, baby, you have to face reality
And come down
You can't live on the clouds

[Keyboard solo]

You know, I I really hate to come down on you to this,
Baby, but uh you ain't cool
You're just a not cool and you haven't been cool for a long time now
There comes a time in everyone's life
When they have to evaluate who they are and what they are,
And find out for themselves what's really meaning of life to them
That is, of course, if you can deal with truth and it's not easy
Sometimes it's a real hard thing to deal with truth
Because maybe we won't like what we hear or might discover
About ourselves, but in the final analysis, baby
You'll be such a better man for it, such a better man
If I didn't care, I let you go on ana make a fool out of yourself
But I do care and because I care I can't stand around
If I'm your woman and watch you do this to yourself
You know what I mean? Think about it think about it

