Fair Maid Stranded On The Turnpike

Fair Maid Stranded on the Turnpike
(Joan Sprung)

Lovely Sally was a maiden, as pure as she was sweet,
Hair in ringlets to her waist and sandals on her feet
She wore a little granny dress which was so very thin,
That you could see 'most all of Sally that was there within

Tra la la la, too-roo-dee-noo, falutin' dingle day

She was on her way to market for to buy some beer and chips
When on the way her car broke down, scarce halfway on her trip
A tall young man did stop to help, as strong as he was large
He said he would be pleased to give her battery a charge

And after but a little time, this young man, he grew bold
He drew out his jumper cables as they rested by the road
She cried, ''I hardly know you'' so he said, ''My name is Jules
My stock in trade is bodywork; I have with me my tools''
He tinkered with her manifold, likewise her points and plugs,
For he'd had much experience with cars just like her bug
And by the evening of the day, her motor purred and sighed
He jumped in his milk-white sports car, down the turnpike
he did ride

Now Sally, though no longer pure, has gotten very wise
For in her car he left behind a very big surprise
So gather round, young maidens, if adventure you desire,
Then shun the man who drives away and leaves you a spare tire

@bawdy @seduction @car
filename[ MDTRNPKE
