Picking Sides

Well just 'cause I drink don't mean I don't hate stupid drunks
But just 'cause I'm singing it,
That don't mean shit, that don't mean that I'm not one
But those jerks by the kegs,
They aren't leaving me no ground to stand
So if we're picking sides,
I guess that I hate the policeman,
Hate the white man tonight
And well, I've been thinking things,
Thinking things that I just hope aren't true
Like maybe I don't choose punk rock,
Because punk rock chooses you
You know, I've seen the same bands so many dozens of times,
But with dozens of different names
Across dozens of different state lines
And I won't always admit it, but I think
That the world's better off with the world better in it
And so if we're picking sides,
I guess that I am for every shitty three-chord high school punk band
Oh yes I am, oh yes I am
