In Rememberance

I saw a future standing
Before my weary eyes
A reformation of life,
Grasp or decay
Frightened by light,
This opportunity escaped
Lonely and cold,
Hiding from daylight

These burdensome longings
Tearing me apart
I hold my breath
To stay alive
I'm lost in confusion,
Stranded on air
I remain in despair

Waiting in silence,
Hiding the pain
I enter nightfall,
Never left any trace
Only memories of what
Could have been remain
In my secret plight

These burdensome longings
Tearing me apart

Through the sorrows of
My life I slowly realize
My longing, my desperation
Can not be cured
Before the pain in my heart
Has been tread apart

These burdensome longings
Tearing me apart

No one ever saw me gleam
