
(Mike) Hi there aahis it okay if I come over and look at your exhaust manifold on your dodge dart I got a piece of missing somewhere on mine and I'm not sure what it is I want to see what you got on yoursThrottle vavler strikes dash pot rod the rod must push diaphragm back before it can be moved back air must be pushed up in This will cause the diaphragm to move slowly when the throttle vavler is moved away stream will force the diaphragm out the air must now vent the dash pot is ready to work again
(Jerry) Is thisto this?
(Mike) I don't care what that---
(Jerry) The rod that their talking about-
(Mike) I don't care what that looks like Jerry, I'm telling you what the dash pot is where's the dash pot on here Jerry?
(Jerry) I don't know
(Husband) the dash pot is inside Jerry where its hooked up at
(Jerry) and that's not made---
(Mike) AND THAT IS NOT made to regulate the FUCKIN' choke going back and forth---
(Jerry) and that's not the end loader
(Mike) That's so you can get pure fuel in there as soon as you start cranking it over WRRR! WRRRR! It starts sucking and when it starts sucking this choke herecause you can't just have pure fuel you won't light you have to have a little bit of oxygenit sucks open and it cracks the choke like this and that's how that works
(Jerry) That is not what you just said
(Mike) I said NO JERRY THE HEATING IS THE MOTHER FUCKING SPRING this one here as soon as you start turning it over the engine its supposed to pull it back when the vacuum starts, when the vacuum starts nothing to do with fucking heat vacuum
(Jerry) Why are you screaming?
(Husband) because you say well you said its supposed to work off heat no Jerry
(Jerry) you said as the car gradually warms up
(Mike) as it gradually warms up this mother fucker
