
There's Dasher and Dancer, Prancer and Vixen,
Comet and Cupid, and Donder and Blitzen
But do you recall the least famous reindeer of all?

Hey Olops, oohh Olops

I have a little story about a not so famous reindeer
He was Rudolph's younger cousin
And they were born on the same year
His name's little Olops, and he was jealous of his peers
It was always Rudolph, and Olops the other deer

Now Olops hated Rudolph, cause he hated Rudolph's fame
And he started treating Rudolph like a lowdown dirty shame
Olops the other reindeer used to laugh and call him names
And he never let poor Rudolph join in any reindeer game

And so Rudolph said to Olops
"Why are you treating me this way?"
Olops smiled and answered Rudolph
"Cause I think you're freaking gay, and I hate your shiny nose"
"Come the eve of Christmas day,"
"I'll make sure you won't be there to pull on Santa's sleigh"

But Olops did not know that Santa heard all that he say
And this made Santa angry and he bonks on Olops head
Then Santa pulled on Olops neck which filled Olops with dread
Rudolph's waved goodbye then gave a smile
Ant then he said "You're Dead! Hehe"

No one's ever heard of, or has seen Olops again
But they say Olops head is in the wall of Santa's den
The moral of the story is "always be a friend"
You did not want to end up like Olops did

Olops the other reindeer used to laugh and call him names
He never let poor Rudolph joining any reindeer games
