Cottonfields Live

"When I was a little bitty baby
My mama where to rock me in the cradle
In them old, cottonfields back home
When I was a little bitty baby
My mummy where to rock me in the cradle
In them old, cottonfields back home

And when them cotton-balls get rotten,
You can't pick very much cotton
In them old - cottonfields back home
It was down in Louisiana,
Just abaout a mile from Texacana
In them old - cottonfields back home

Jada folkens nok en gang er vi på fylla
Er faen ikke mye som er bedre enn det
Så da jekker vi en øl og blander en dram,
Og drammen den er stram
Også setter alle sammen tenna I taket,
Også sjangler vi som faen frem og tilbake
Også synger alle sammen som er her med på
Siste verset her nå

Well, when I was a little bitty baby
My mama where to rock me in the cradle
In them old, cottonfields back home (have a good time)
When I was a little bitty baby
My mummy where to rock me in the cradle
In them old, cottonfields back home

And when them cotton-balls get rotten,
You can't pick very much cotton
In them old - cottonfields back home
It was down in Louisiana,
Just abaout a mile from Texacana
In them old - cottonfields back home

In them old, cottonfields back home
In them old, cottonfields back home
I said the cottonfields back hoooooooooooooooooooome"
