The Upper Hand

Your intentions came through the phone loud and clear
After all this time and heartache, why are we right back here
Defending my right to move on
While you pour in the confusion and pain that I thought had long since gone


If it's the upper hand you want
Baby take it I've had enough
If this is what you need I'll gladly give it up

I was shaken so hard I couldn't speak
Pacing the floor in shambles, feeling so damn weak
The anger let go to despair
With all this time that you've been gone,
I can't imagine why you care

My intentions fall flat, my head starts to clear
After all this time and heartache, why am I right back here
Written so many words to find my peace
And now with this bitter swan song, I declare my own release

You got the freedom that you craved
Why are we arguing today
Be happy girl I'm not standing in your way
Yeah go
Be happy girl I'm no longer in your way
