If One Of Us Should Fall

I will always carry
the words of your
prediction with me

Even though they
harbour some grave
They haunt me like some willows do

And nothing has revealed itself to me
The half of the world that I can see
Is just a memory

And I will be here
To respond so clear
to that word,
that sound,
that I have found
in me, in you,
in us

As long as you can have the moon
let me have the dust
Somebody comes along
you continue to rust
Everyone will do you wrong
'til you learn how to trust,
along the way

If one of us should fall, should fall
If one of us should fall, should fall

I will always carry
the wounds of your
addiction with me

Even though they
harbour some grave
They haunt me like some willows do

But something has revealed itself to me
The half of the world that I can see
Is falling to its knees

And I will be here
To respond so clear
to that word,
that sound,
that I have found
in me, in you,
in us

As long as you can have the moon
let me have the sky
Somebody comes along
you continue to cry
I'll be the camera,
you, the discernible eye
Together we can climb so high
so high, but

If one of us should fall, should fall
If one of us should fall, should fall
carry each other
