Misery Check

Don't talk to me now,
Don't ask me how,
I don't know,
I don't care,
Stop talkin' to me,

See the way you're hurtin' me?
Go home and get your misery check,
Come home and get your clothes and stuff back,
Fall into an endless vain,
Go home and get your misery check,

You're not the one to keep me sane,
Come home and get your clothes and stuff back,
I know 'cause I saw you with her,
Stupid blonde needs to wither,

Get your dog,
Get your car,
Get your shoes and sweater,

Go home and get your misery check,
Come home and get your clothes and stuff back,
You even bought those stupid love-birds,
Did you do that when you loved her?

I know 'cause I saw you with her,
Stupid blonde needs to wither,
Go home and get your misery check
