Anger Complex

You have broken my very confidence
Now I'm cast out, depraved, a hallow shell
You have raped my innocence and thus
Turned my life into a living hell

You have raped my innocence and thus
Turned my life into a living hell

You have infiltrated my mind,
Polluted it with your shameless kind
You have had me obey your rules
And made me fell like the weakest of fools

Deep down inside I feel the urge to scream
Revenge is boiling in my veins
Every fiber in my body is illuminated with a deadly gleam
I yearn for retaliation of the unbearable pains

What shall I do with my anger? ANGER!
Where is your weak point?
Is there a way to hurt you usefully?
Is homicide the only possible solution?

You can't imagine how truly I despise your ways
I think it's time ti turn the tables on you
I will no longer crawl under the yoke of the olden days
But instead destroy all things you held so true

You held so fucking true!

All these pain-ridden years I've been pondering,
Torturing my mind to find a suitable punishment
Still I don't know the answer, I'm wondering
If for you death would be the ultimate end

Ultimate End!

Sahall I kill you!
