Walking Away

You go and walk away tired of playing there game
And listening over and over to what they say
Where there meanning is always the same
No matter which way they say it
It's becomes the same thing you heard yesterday
And when you try to disagree they look away
Where all you can do is walk away
Walking away from it all, walking away from it all
And when you think you haven't hearn
It becomes the same thing that you learn
Where you want to walk away
Walking away from it all, walking away from it all
And still you hear it in your sleep
Not one of the thoughts you wanting to keep
But there nothing you can do accept walk away
Walking away from it all, walking away from it all
And when you think you haven't hearn
It becomes the same thing that you learn
Where you want to walk away
Walking away from it all, walking away from it all
