Sangtekster for Buchanan & Goodman: Buchanan & Goodman On Trial

Buchanan & Goodman On Trial

Be on the lookout for
Buchanan and Goodman
Last seen wearing

(Black denim trousers

And motorcycle boots)

Look out, they're after us
Let's get outta here

Are you Buchanan and Goodman
Yes, we are

(Hello, hello again)

Well, this is a summons
You're under arrest

This is John Cameron
Cameron in court

The trial of Buchanan and
Goodman is now in session
Is the district attorney ready

(Ready, I'm ready, ready

Ready, I'm ready)

Call the first witness
What is your name

(They often call me Speedo

But my real name is Mr Earl)

What is your complaint against
Buchanan and Goodman

(They wouldn't give me a ride

In their flying saucer)

Call the next witness
What took you so long

(I passed in the jungle)

Your honor, I object
What have you got to say

(Tutti fruitti, oh, rooty)

Order in the court
Call the next witness
Aren't you Skinny Dynamo

(Yes, it's me)

Buchanan and Goodman
Have you anything to say

(You ain't nothing

But a hound dog)

Order, ladies and gentlemen
Of the jury, you may leave the room

(Meanwhile back in the jury room)

We return you now to the courtroom
Where the judge is saying to the jury

(Bom bom bom)

And the jury is saying to the judge

(Bom bom bom)

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury
Have you reached a verdict

(Yeah, lalalala, yeah)

We find them not guilty

This is John Cameron
Cameron again
And now what are you going
To do with that summons

(I'm gonna rip it up

I'm gonna rip it up)

This is John Cameron Cameron
And this is the judge saying

(That's all there is to that)
