
We wrote this song and figured what the hell
Maybe one day it'll be on TRL

Maybe we'll be on top with Britney Spears
Or maybe with all those fucking boy band queers
And maybe we'll perform this live right in Times Square
Or maybe little girls will fight for a lock of our hair
Just maybe"¦

But there's no chance! We fucking suck!
As for TRL, we're out of luck!
Fuck your vote of the entire nation,
Fuck you Carson, and the MTV station

Maybe they'll ask us to join Backstreet Boys
Or maybe there'll be Cheezburger Mafia action toys
And maybe we'll go cross country on stadium tours
Or maybe we'll win 5, 6, 7 Video Music Awards
Just maybe"¦

But there's no chance! We fucking suck!
As for TRL, we're out of luck!
Fuck your vote of the entire nation,
Fuck you Carson, and the MTV station

And maybe"¦
Just maybe"¦
