Going On A Lion Hunt

Goin' on a lion hunt
Goin to catch a big one
I'm not afraid
Look, what's up ahead?

Can't go over it
Can't go under it
Can't go around it
Gotta go through it [Make sloshing sounds and move hands as if slogging]

Goin' on a lion hunt
Goin to catch a big one
I'm not afraid
Look, what's up ahead?

Can't go over it
Can't go under it
Can't go around it
Gotta go through it [Snap fingers]

Goin' on a lion hunt
Goin to catch a big one
I'm not afraid
Look, what's up ahead?

Can't go over it
Can't go under it
Can't go around it
Gotta go through it [Make gestures climbing up and down]

Goin' on a lion hunt
Goin to catch a big one
I'm not afraid
Look, what's up ahead?

Can't go over it
Can't go under it
Can't go around it
Gotta go through it [Make gate-opening gestures]

Goin' on a lion hunt
Goin to catch a big one
I'm not afraid
Look, what's up ahead?

Can't go over it
Can't go under it
Can't go around it
Gotta go through it [make swimming gestures]

Goin' on a lion hunt
Goin to catch a big one
I'm not afraid
Look, what's up ahead?

Can't go over it
Can't go under it
Can't go around it
Gotta go through it Grass [move hands together and apart]

Goin' on a lion hunt
Goin to catch a big one
I'm not afraid
Look, what's up ahead?

Can't go over it
Can't go under it
Can't go around it
Gotta go through it [act like you are feeling your way in a dark cave]

Feel yourself along the wall
Oh, oh What's this?
Something funny
With a long soft thing on it's end!
With two sharp things!
Two big gleaming sharp things!
Run for your life!

Run out of the cave!
Crawl through the grass!
Swim across the river!
Run through the gate!
Run around the trees!
Jump over the sticks!
Slosh through the mud!
Run into the house!
Close the door!
Run up the front stairs!
Crawl under mom's bed!
