Stars Of Africa

When the stars of Africa shine down on me
And the dome of heaven seems to fill my mind,
Than I thank the lord that I'm alive and free,
Where the stars of Africa shine on me

In the gentle evening, by the firelight glow
I'm filled with wonder, that of all man kind
Fate has placed you here, just where you ought to be,
Where the stars of Africa shine on me

So stars, send your message to two tiny people,
Alone on this small place, called earth
It seems that you're trying to tell humankind,
That love is the reason for laughing and crying
And living and dying and birth

Oh stars, can it be that you speak,
To those who have fallen in love
For we are in love and we hear your song
Oh stars

Oh stars of Africa, so bright so vast
I can feel my spirit move, it's so profound
And the word that's flowing from the stars to me,
Is bless your love eternally

Hear the stars and see them shine,
They tell me I'm yours and you are mine
Hear the stars, hear what they say,
Love and life are all that matter anyway,

Baba, baba tu endee, tu endee Africa,
Tu endee Africa, tu endee, tu endee

Yeah, baba, baba tu endee, tu endee Africa,
Tu endee Africa, tu endee, tu endee
