The Trip 1:03

This is the trip,
The game that we play,
Looking for meanings,
Drifting away
Music's my language,
And all I can say,
Is that you are the ride,
That takes me away
Takes me away (repeat 4 times)
This is the trip,
Game that we play,
Looking for meanings,
Drifting away
Music's my language,
And all I can say,
Is that you are the bomb,
That takes me away
(takes me away)

Verse 2 (in finnish)
Kultamatkani on,
Lauluni voima,
Kerronko sulle - salaisuuden,

Verse 2 (english translation)
The golden trip of spirits,
The power of my song,
Shall I tell you - a secret?
Taakse sut kantaa,
Se tähtien,
Se tähtien (repeat 4 times) it takes you away,
Behind the stars
Behind the stars (repeat 4 times)
