In Harm's Own Way

Left one to one
We felt we'd come along
Together we did it all
And I never felt so strong

To mean what I say is a hard line to walk
From here on, today, not to just talk
Because my actions make up myself and the group
On a crash-course to hell
And you're in it too

Does killing today, bring peace for tomorrow?

Not to look back at the life that we lived
Friends that we made, and the dumb things we did
And if you think you can be unconditionally free,
Fom dogma that bites
You're welcome to try

So much work is undone
Differances aside, we've begun
So much to change, so much to forgive
So much in this life with the chance that we give

Lastnight I was thinking why,
I'd stand in harm's way to see you through
I'm not the least bit worried I might die
Because I know you'd do the same thing too
