Gotta Go

Yea Hello, Yo Toby wats up
A Whole lot, whatcha doing
Hangin with Tru, trying to make music
hussling gotee, gettin no sleep
yo u mind if i call u back next week

I gotta go i am bout to do a show
can't take the stress wanna give u my best Lord
I cant sing with this hanging over me
but the show must go on, lord set me free

Hello, yo tob, wats up
to much, watcha doing
same as yesturday,i'm here with John Ruben
yo tell him i said hey, wats your name
yo its Cupid, cupid, ya man
i gave u a demo, on the cover theres a halo
ahh yea i havent had a chance to listen to it yet
yo chould u hold on dude my wife is beepin in
Baby i know i am suppose to be home at six
i am just finishing this mix they are burning me a disk
i got some dude named cupid on the other line
I love you baby, yo T its still me man, oh


Sry i am not much for conversation(3x)
I need some time with God and a mental vaction
watcha got tru
Toby mac cant get to the phone please leave a message after the tone(4x)
Jus a lil man trying to fit into gods plan


Sry i am not much for conversation(3x)
I need some time with god and a mental vaction
