The Ethereal Darkness

Society made to destroy souls, bound and gagged silence us all, rewards too small
Watch your plans unfold, lead me to the ledge
Make me walk the path into the sea of endless misery
Lead me blindfolded into the cell where I'll remain evermore

Clip those wings, artificial success, no results, lost souls, tense times shared
You rule supreme, yet you rule not over me
Our precious time spent adding fuel to your raging flame
Accelerate your growth, the power lies in your hands
The rocks fall still, the cliffs erode, no satisfaction found down your road
Resistance felt from this brick wall, it stands strong
Withstand your fire, untouched by your iron claw
Buried alive, I'll work these coffin nails free
Through tinted lenses your sunset will not draw me in, cut the chord, I'll chase this light
The foundations laid beneath me strong hold me high
Stand my ground, reclaim my place, unlike moths drawn to light, avoidance proves it's worth
Glorious this failure, drowning makes the water taste like wine
