• A Mo-Vide
  • A Monster in My House
    Theres a monster in my house I hear it every night It sounds like it has big, sharp claws and nasty fangs that bite Theres a monster in my house It makes it har...
  • Crazy Mountain Road
    Once upon a time there were three truck drivers named Bob and Bart and Biff They all applied for a job to drive some frieght on a route up a narrow cliff The ow...
  • I Dreamed that I Could Fly
    I dreamed that I was in my room, when much to my surprise I found that if I flapped my arms it made me start to rise I waved my arms a little more, then floated...
  • The Elephant Song
    Elephants I like elephants Elephants I like elephants I like how they swing through trees Monkeys I like monkeys I like how they swim in the ocean Fish I like ...
  • The Kid in the Mirror
    If you wink, wink, wink at the kid in the mirror he will wink, wink, wink right back at you If you clap, clap, clap for the kid in the mirror she will clap, cla...
  • The Tale of the Sun and the Moon
    The Sun was in his bathing suit The Moon in her pajamas They played all day until the two were called in by their mamas The Sun went home and climbed in bed His...
  • The Tiger and the Zebra
    The Tiger phoned the Zebra and invited him to dine He said, If you could join me that would simply be divine The Zebra said, I thank you, but respectfully decli...
  • The Worlds Fastest Bicycle
    My bicycles the fastest that the world has ever seen It has supersonic engines and a flame-retardant sheen My bicycle will travel a gazillion miles an hour It h...
  • Video Game
    I'd like to have an adventure, to seek my fortune and fame, but I think I might get homesick, so I'll just play my video game I'd like to be in the circus, with...